Digital products for fast, secure, legally binding & compliant documentation

by: Kate Bould

The conveyancing industry continues to successfully respond to the challenges of Covid-19, remote working and the SDLT holiday with widespread take-up of many digital products to speed up processes and ensure securityand compliance. As the Managing Director of Index West Midlands, the leading bespoke property search firm in our region, I thought it would be useful to outline our comprehensive digital portfolio of services for conveyancers and residential property lawyers.

Digital products for fast, secure, legally binding & compliant documentation
Digital products compliant documentation

Working Alongside Our Clients 

Responding to the sustained demand for secure, legally binding and compliant documentation that enables COVID social distancing measures and remote working practices, we’ve developed a market-leading suite of the very best digital products and services for our clients. The take-up from our clients has been rapid and the technology means we can support them in meeting their evolving day-to-day needs in these unprecedented times, to ensure they maintain operational continuity and quality service for their own clients. We’re committed to taking on the challenges alongside our clients and the expansion and enhancement of our portfolio of digital products and tech-based services is a vital component of this strategy.

Digital Signature

Launched in 2021, the electronic signature solution is recognised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and Land Registry as fully compliant. It improves document turnround times by 80%, digitally processes key legal documents, including contracts, agreements, and policy documents, and provides secure digital identification embedded into an electronic signature that is unique to the signatory and the document.

Customer Due Diligence

Our SRA-compliant Electronic Customer Due Diligence (CDD) app verifies client identity and proof of address in seconds, eliminating the need for clients to post documents or visit offices. Seen as the quickest, safest, most convenient and efficient way for property lawyers to obtain an easy to read, comprehensive ID report, the app also carries-out anti-money laundering and address checks, PEPs, sanctions screening, and generates a snapshot of funding sources for conveyancing transactions.

Efficiency & Compliance

Our digital portfolio is the solution for today’s world of work. It saves significant time on client matter completion with property transaction documentation and authorisation that once took several months, completed in just a few days. Since September, our team has processed double the number of transactions compared to the same period in previous years. In turn, the volume of searches and transaction paperwork has reached unprecedented levels. By adapting our operation with the best tools and tech that are efficient and compliant, our clients can be sure of keeping on top of their work loads and pressures.

Get in touch to talk to us about the challenges you’re facing and discover how our expertise, services and products can help, please give me a call or drop me an email.

Best regards Kate Bould

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