Will Aid

Will Aid

Will Aid is a will writing campaign that takes place every November, designed to raise vital funds for the life-changing work of nine of the UK’s leading charities.

Participating solicitors donate their time and expertise and to write wills and waive their usual fees for a basic will and a pair of basic mirror wills.The clients are invited to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid instead.

Any additional work carried out on top of these services can be charged and paid to the firm.

The voluntary donations are divided between the nine partner charities and help them continue the life-changing work they carry out.

The coronavirus outbreak has had a devastating impact on charities. With charity shops shut and events cancelled, many charities have been severely impacted financially. This will have a detrimental effect on their ability to help the vulnerable people they work with.

Coronavirus has also highlighted to many the importance of protecting your loved ones in the event that the worst were to happen. The demand for Will Aid’s services increases year on year and we are anticipating this year’s demand to be the highest yet. In previous years, we have been unable to fulfil the demand, which is why we need your help. We need more solicitors to sign up and donate their time to Will Aid.

How can it help you?

Will Aid is a fantastic opportunity for you to give back to your local community. It can help increase your profile and reputation through great local publicity. The scheme also allows you to meet new, and valuable, clients – many of whom need additional work.

It is easy and simple to sign up. The Will Aid team even handles all admin work associated with the donations, which allows you to focus only on will-writing.

You can sign up to participate here: https://www.willaid.org.uk/solicitors/register.

If you have any questions, or would like to talk through the scheme, please contact Will Aid publicity team on pr@willaid.org.uk.

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