What DDLS does for you ?

  • Present the local profession to the public – the website provides a focus for enquiries and has a Find a Solicitor page
  • Link the profession together – during the pandemic a Microsoft Team has been set up for local practitioners to use and share concerns etc
  • DDLS has an active Committee who meet (remotely at present) approx. every 8 weeks – next meeting is via Zoom on 18th November at 4.30pm – anyone interested in attending let JS know.
  • Being a focal point to link the profession to other bodies they are in close working relationships with eg – Land registry/ local authorities

  • Sub-committees – very important – who have been working tirelessly to keep the local profession up to date with developments
  • Representation of Derby and District at National Law Society Committee – we are lucky to have in Michael Williams a very capable and dedicated representative eg/ passing onto Simon Davis concerns in delays in the Probate Registry which were passed on to the CEO of the Court Service– regular reports in the Bulletin
  • Free adverts for vacancies in Bulletin and on website – the possibility of making press releases in the Bulletin/ website and DDLS blog/ social media
  • A range of CPD webinars – details have been circulated but will now be on the web site
  • Meetings (when possible) and presentations on matters of interest to the profession – Linda Lee and the then President of the Law Society, Christina Blacklaws
  • Social events – Annual Dinner/ Quiz / Christmas Event
  • Annual cricket match and Golf Day
  • Publication of the Bulletin every 8 weeks – news and articles
  • Taking part in national events such as the Law Society 100 project.
  • Relationship with Derby University – providing mentoring for students/ judging the Skills Triathlon (which is a nationally recognized event). The University is one of our Gold Patrons and our meetings (when not remote) take place there.
  • Work within the community particularly with local schools. We work with E4E and provide help with school careers days etc. We run the Derby City Schools Debate Competition which is a huge success.
  • Wills and Deeds searches
  • Respond to enquiries from members of the public
  • Links to Derby Junior Lawyers
  • Follow Derby and District Law Society on your favourite social media platform Facebook LinkedIn Twitter or Instagram

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