The President writes…

Welcome to this edition of the Bulletin.

It is difficult to believe how quickly this year is flying by.  We have all faced disruption to our lives and many challenges over the past 6 months.  Against this backdrop, it has been great to hear positive reports from members that business activity levels have remained high despite the uncertainty and changes since March 2020.  One member told me he had never been so busy!  From my own experience activity levels have increased faster than anticipated and it is good to see that locally some firms are now recruiting again. 

However, there are uncertain times ahead with infection rates rising and a second wave predicted by many scientists and with Brexit looming all of which are likely to impact upon the legal sector.  There are challenges ahead as the government’s work retention schemes come to an end and firms embark on costs saving exercises.  Please do continue to share your experiences, positive or otherwise.  NLS would like to hear from you if your employment has been affected and are particularly interested to hear from trainees who may now find their training contacts in jeopardy as we are keen to offer support.  So please do get in touch.

I hope you all had the opportunity to take a summer break, even if not the summer holiday as planned.  My planned two weeks in a luxury 5-star hotel in Morocco turned into a caravan in the Lake District in some extreme weather conditions.  Still, attending an outdoor theatre during a storm and playing tennis and crazy golf in torrential rain (the latter was abandoned as the course became so waterlogged it was impossible to hit the balls!) are memories that will stay with me for a very long time. 

NLS have swung back into action following the summer break with our AGM being held virtually on 7 September 2020.  Thanks to all those who attended.   I was very proud to be re-elected to serve a second term as President.  I would like to pay tribute to my colleagues on the Council for their efforts over the last few months.  I cannot thank you enough for your commitment and support.  I would also like to thank Carolyn Coles, Society Manager, for working tirelessly on behalf of NLS during the Covid crisis.   Carolyn has been working harder than ever to deliver business as usual and to support our membership throughout.

Part of my strategy is to increase our membership and I am keen now more than ever to reach out to other legal professionals in our community so please do refer your colleagues to Carolyn Coles who will be happy to assist.

I am pleased to report that NLS launched our new website in August 2020.  Please do check it out at:

I cannot stress enough that this is your website so any ideas you have as to how the site can be improved or other information you would like to see on it will be gratefully received.  A huge thanks you to Oliver Spicer and Carolyn Coles for making this happen.

As I reported in the last edition, it remains our intention to reschedule the Annual Awards Dinner which was due to take place in May 2020.   A date will be fixed once it is safe for the event to be held.

NLS are looking to resume our training programme so do look out for events.  As always, if you have any suggestions for future courses, I will be happy to hear from you. 

Finally, please do continue to submit articles and items of interest for the Bulletin.  If there is a topic you would like to see covered please let me know.

Stay safe and happy reading!

Sharine Burgess

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