We Celebrated Our 3rd Year!

Legal Advice Clinic Quarterly Newsletter

During this quarter we celebrated our third anniversary as a Law Centre. Thank you to all of our staff, the board of trustees, volunteers, partners and friends who joined our virtual party. We are very proud of our achievements over these last 3 years particularly of our growth in each area. We received many congratulations and well wishes such as this from Law Centre Networks:

‘Congratulations to all the staff, volunteers and trustees of Suffolk Law Centre. Although a ‘young’ Law Centre, Suffolk has contributed to the network of Law Centre’s enormously. Your community connections and link with the racial equality council are a model for the network. Your participation in joint Law Centre’s projects is always of the highest quality and contributes to the success of the projects. We wish you well in 2021 and thank you for all your hard work and commitment’. Julie Bishop Director – Law Centre Networks

Thank You — You did this!

Between January 1st to 31st March 2021 LAC volunteers advised these many clients:


What’s New!

In January we successfully launched our new Wills/Probate and Eldercare Clinic.

Thank you to Ashtons Legal for helping us to get this initially started. The clinic offers advice on the following;

  • Probate and the administration of estates
  • Paying for Elder Care
  • Applications to the Court of Protection
  • Will and Probate disputes and claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975.
  • Advising you on Lasting Powers of Attorney to include their formation, implementation and use
  • Advising you on Wills and Will Trusts to include their documentation, validity and issues to consider when drawing them up

We are recruiting volunteers to join this clinic, for more details contact:

Client Feedback

Thank you so much for the support you gave me. It was an invalua[1]ble service and I am forever grateful for the time and help received from your solicitors, in particular ‘Richard Hinton’. Your service is outstanding and your response time immediate. Again, a very big Thank You. Client, February 2021


Oliver Edwards, Paralegal – tells us about his first six months at Suffolk Law Centre

When I accepted the job offer I was hoping for something relatively calm, routine and structured, selfishly because I am writing an academic article on International Human Rights Law in my spare time. Bizarrely, I’m happy to report the job at Suffolk Law Centre has been none of those things and that I am three months behind on my article.

Given my past life working as a data scientist and business analyst at a well known international insurer, moving to a charity in its infancy which is beginning to show its first shoots to all of East Anglia has been therapeutic compared to the residual alienation of the corporate world. From au[1]tomating the delivery of home insurance for millionaires; to bringing discrimination claims on behalf of precarious workers in the gig economy—this was the dose of perspective I didn’t quite know I needed.

Whilst I have already been treated to the experience of an Employment Appeals Tribunal hearing and submitted my very first legal aid application, I’m keen to keep contributing to the Tackling Discrimination in the East team, and hope to see more of the community when we can re-open.

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