We are delighted to welcome back Kauser Patel as our LLS manager.
Kauser previously worked for the LLS for 5 years (6 Presidents) and delivered more events than she can remember. After taking a couple of years off to spend with her two young boys Kauser returned to the LLS in September 2020, as her predecessor Lucy Miller moved on to work with LLS Patron DG Legal. We wish Lucy all the best in her future career and thank her for her hard work for the LLS.
Our Manager Kauser is an indispensable member of the LLS team.
![Return of LLS Manager- Kauser Patel](https://i0.wp.com/journals.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/return-of-lls-manager-kauser-patel.jpg?resize=194%2C251&ssl=1)
Kauser is responsible for the day to day running the LLS as our sole employee.
As the presidential term only runs for 12 months, the LLS manager’s role is integral is ensuring the continuity of the society from one year to the next.
Working with the President and Events sub board, Kauser co-ordinates and promotes all LLS events and works with the Education & Training sub board to arrange our training courses.
Kauser maintains the LLS website and social media content, keeping everything as up to date as possible, including event photos, online editions of the magazine, ticket releases and news updates.
Kauser is the co-ordinator for Committee and Executive Board meetings, creating the agendas and writing up minutes from each meeting to be circulated.
Any membership requests can be sent to Kauser and then circulated to the main committee for approval. Kauser is the lead contact for the LLS patrons and event sponsors.
Kauser is always keen to hear any suggestions for the website, social media platforms, or event/training ideas.
For all LLS queries please contact Kauser on office@leicestershirelawsociety.org.uk
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