Hello Everyone,
I hope that you are all well and keeping positive during this difficult period.

It very much appears that we are going to be under lockdown restrictions for some time with the COVID-19 level now raised to level four and new measures being introduced. It is a worrying time for all of us with the legal sector facing its own serious challenges, both now and in the months to come.
Our biannual D&DLS Past Presidents Dinner was to be held on the 8th October 2020 but unfortunately has now fallen victim to the latest change in COVID-19 restrictions. The Dinner has now been rearranged for 25th February 2021 and I hope that this will be well attended.
With the new restrictions likely to last for the next six months we are all in a position whereby we all need to continue to adapt and embrace innovation and change. For the D&DLS this is also key in providing you with value for your membership and keeping in contact with the local legal community.
Our main topic for this issue of the bulletin is to highlight the work the D&DLS does in the community but also more importantly what is does for you and how we can help. During this difficult time knowing that there is help and assistance from your fellow local lawyers is more important than ever.
During the last few years, the D&DLS has worked to establish strong links with the University of Derby Law School. The students are the lawyers of tomorrow and look to our local legal firms for the opportunities which will enable them to gain experience and eventually employment. One important part of this link between the D&DLS and the University has been the Legal Mentor scheme whereby many of our members have been actively involved in mentoring one or two students during the academic year, in areas such as work experience. Additionally, the Legal Skills Triathlon has also been a huge success and provides not only the students of the University the chance to test their legal knowledge and skills but also the potential for our members to promote and challenge their own young lawyers.
Our links in the community have also been strengthened by the introduction of the E4E Debating Competition for local schools which has been championed by our own administrator Julia Saunders.
Over the last few months our sponsor DG Legal has provided several free webinars which can assist you with rules and regulations in relation to the current COVID-19 crisis. More are planned and please contact our administrator for more details if you do not receive the emails which provide the times and dates.
Our bulletin is published every eight weeks and contains a number of wide-ranging articles from our local lawyers, including details of our sub-committees, legal vacancies and much more.
As you can hopefully see from these few examples, the D&DLS is still dedicated to helping you the lawyer during these difficult times, and I and the committee hope that you will also continue to support us.

Take care and stay safe.
Martin Salt
The post President’s Piece appeared first on Derby and District Law Society.