Presidents Introduction : Charolette Perry

Dear WLS members,

It is a great honour to write to you as your newly elected President. I have had the privilege of working closely with the Law Society over the past four years, firstly with the Worcestershire Junior Lawyers where I sat as Chair in 2017/2018 before joining the committee in 2019. 

Presidents Introduction : Charolette Perry
Presidents Introduction : Charolette Perry

Firstly, I would like to thank James Osborne our outgoing President, for supporting us through a difficult and trying year. I, and the committee, are grateful to James for his hard work, organisation and diligence. James will remain an integral member of the committee having been elected to the role of Treasurer.

Many of the planned live events for 2020 were unable to go ahead due to the pandemic. Thanks to technology the committee were able to continue to deliver meaningful events including a Virtual Careers Event in partnership with Worcester Law School; seminars from St Philips and St Ives Chambers and a virtual Law Awards evening!  The Law Awards took place virtually on 24th September. Congratulations again to all those that were nominated, shortlisted, to the runners up and winners on the night. It is difficult to predict what will happen over the coming months but I do hope to be able to announce an in-person black tie WLS Awards evening later this year – it would be nice to get dressed up again – fingers crossed!

Whilst we eagerly await the end of the pandemic, I am excited to continue the committee’s charitable endeavours working closely with Onside, our chosen charity for 2021! Onside work across Worcestershire & Herefordshire, providing a wide range of support services to ensure fairness and equality for all members of our community who may be vulnerable, disadvantaged or discriminated against. 

The committee will shortly be releasing a 2021 events schedule and I hope that you will join us, virtually to begin with, to continue building our professional relationships, learning and supporting one another.

If there is anything either I or the committee can do to assist you in these difficult times please do not hesitate to let me or the committee know.

Best wishes,
Charlotte Perry
President, Worcestershire Law Society

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