Miller is pleased to provide its latest analysis of the Solicitors’ Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)market.

Here’s a snapshot of the report which you can download below:

Miller is pleased to provide its latest analysis
Miller is pleased to provide its latest analysis

Market update – what have we seen from insurers?

  • COVID-19
  • Risk specific questions
  • Market trends for SME and large law firms
  • Cyber risks – silent cyber
  • Claims trends

Law firm risk: keeping ahead of the curve 

In this section Frank Maher, partner at Legal Risk LLP, identifies some current key issues on client risk, business risk and insurance risk.

Outlook for October 2021 and beyond

Just how much further the hard market has to run and how long it may last, both in terms of impact on the availability of cover and cost is difficult to predict with any certainty. There is no let up within Lloyd’s on the need to squeeze loss-making classes of business out of underwriting portfolios and widespread caution across the rest of the market anxious to ensure it does not pick up poor quality, loss-making risks.

Miller’s Solicitors’ PII market report

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