Martin Salt, President

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are all well and staying safe and that the new year is being kind to you.

Martin Salt President

After nearly two years this will be my final piece as your President for our bulletin. It has been a privilege to be the President of the Derby & District Law Society for an extended period of time, although due to the COVID-19 pandemic I have not been involved with as many events as the President usually takes part in.

There is light at the end of the tunnel and as we speak the potential for the end of lockdown and social distancing on the earliest date of 21 June 2021 means we may be finally heading for a period of normality. The legal industry on the whole has survived but there are going to be difficult times ahead for many law firms, especially smaller ones, who base themselves on an already struggling high street.

The annual Derby & District Law Society Dinner has been scheduled for 5th November 2021 at Pride Park Stadium. Hopefully by this time the COVID-19 restrictions will be a distant memory and that you will keep the date free in order to attend. The event has always been an important date on our calendar and this time it will certainly have the added attraction of our local legal industry finally being able to network and socialise once more

I would like to thank our ever-present administrator Julia Saunders for all her continued hard work in the day to day running of the Society, especially in organising all our events. Without her the Society would not be able to function.

I also wish to congratulate our incoming president Julie Skill, and Manesha Ruparel on becoming our new Vice President.

I was encouraged to join the Derby & District Law Society in 2012 by the late Mr Michael Mallender of Taylor Simpson & Mosley, who was a long standing and enthusiastic member. His view was that the Society existed to support each other as fellow professionals, as well as its other functions, and it was not what the Society can do for you but what can you do for the Society. I have always taken this to heart and ever since joining I have done what I can to help.

Although my tenure is now coming to an end, I very much look forward to supporting the Society over the coming years.

Martin Salt President
Martin Salt

Finally, I wish to thank you, our members, for your continued support of the society.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon,

Martin Salt

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