Law Society judicial review secures Legal Aid Agency rethink

Law Society judicial review
Law Society judicial review

A legal challenge brought by the Law Society of England and Wales has led the Lord Chancellor to give solicitors the right to have civil legal aid bills between £2,500 and £25,000 assessed by either the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) or specialist judges, while the LAA consults with the profession on the most appropriate way for legal aid costs to be assessed in the future.

Law Society president David Greene said: “It is good news for solicitors and anyone needing legally aided advice that the Law Society’s decisive action has prompted the Lord Chancellor to rethink the way solicitors are paid for civil legal aid work that is so vital to preserving access to justice.

“We brought this action because the LAA announced changes to the way legal aid costs were assessed without a credible consultation or evidence to support moving cost assessments from the courts into the LAA.”

“Our concern was that the LAA may not have the expertise to assess complex costs – historically it has only assessed very low or pre-agreed legal aid bills – whereas cost judges routinely assess the reasonableness of solicitors’ claims for work on complex cases.”

“Equally concerning, the LAA has a stake in the outcome of costs assessments – as payments come from its budget – and so it will not always be the appropriate arbiter, whereas a costs judge is in a position to make an impartial, expert assessment.”

“We’re relieved the LAA has agreed to engage in a genuine consultation. In the meantime, solicitors can decide which type of assessment suits them best and if they want an independent costs judge to have the final word on what they are paid.”

“The Law Society is grateful to Association of Costs Lawyers and the Legal Aid Practitioners’ Group for providing valuable insight into the views of their members on the decision to transfer the assessment of all civil legal aid bills to the LAA.”

The decision to change the assessment arrangements was announced unexpectedly in June 2020. The LAA explained its lack of consultation by arguing it had “conducted a previous consultation on this issue in 2009/2010”, adding that part of the rationale for the change being implemented a decade later was the impact of COVID-19 on the courts.

The Law Society challenged this by judicial review. The Administrative Court has now formally endorsed a settlement of the Law Society’s claim. Under the terms of the settlement, the Lord Chancellor will imminently announce a fresh consultation with the profession and other stakeholders on whether civil bills should be assessed in-house by the Legal Aid Agency in future rather than by specialist cost judges and associated arrangements, including for appeals.

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