Law Society Governance votes

Law Society Governance votes
Michael Williams

Dear all,

There are two important motions coming up within Law Society Governance on which you need to vote – I am including this in the Bulletin with the deadlines as they are at present but it MAY WELL BE that the dates will be pushed back again and DDLS will e-mail to let you know.

1.  The plan to reform the make-up of the Law Society Council. Change is certainly needed but the plan needs further refinement before implementation.  There is no need for our seat Derbyshire and E Staffs to be amalgamated with Nottinghamshire so if you agree with me you can try and stop it by voting against.

2.  The plan to prevent Council members serving more than 12 years. You will probably be surprised to hear that after 5 years I am comfortably in the top half by virtue of seniority.  Council is not stuffed with hordes of elderly members outstaying their welcome.  I think it would be very dangerous to allow this limit to be imposed.  It would leave a very inexperienced group at the mercy of staff – few of whom have worked for the Law Society for anything like 12 years.

 The few senior members of Council ( about 20 out of 95 ) possess irreplaceable knowledge and experience which frankly is needed.  The proposers of the motion are mainly Junior Lawyers full of enthusiasm but obviously lacking experience . I urge you to reject the motion.

The ballot will be held electronically.  The requisite email will be sent to everyone on 2nd December and a reminder on 14th December.  Voting closes on 16th December and the result will be announced the week following.

You have until 20th November to check that your details are correct on My Law Society (MyLS) please do this and I have put a link to the log in page to MyLS at the end of this article.

Law Society Governance votes
Michael Williams

If there are any problems try the Support Centre on 020 7242 1222 or email Robert Print at the Law Society at

Thank you

Michael Williams

Council Member for Derbyshire and East Staffs

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