The University of Hertfordshire’s Law Clinic has been giving free legal advice to members of the public since October 2019 in various areas of law including family and employment. Many of HLS member firms have assisted the clinic by allowing students to shadow them giving verbal advice to clients, and/or supervised them writing letters of advice.

Since the Corona pandemic forced the university to close its campus in March, the Law Clinic has moved online to ensure continuous support for the local community at this difficult time, and to maintain the experience for the students. All meetings are done via Zoom and communications sent via email. Luckily, the clinic was already paperless – using Clio case management system as a secure and confidential means to store client information and documentation.
The Clinic even managed to expand during lockdown, offering housing advice to tenants in difficulties. It is going to expand again from October to include consumer/contract and property law advice.
Both the students and clients alike have really appreciated the virtual clinic and it has been business as usual – with the clinic “seeing” 75 clients during lockdown so far (as at end of July). The virtual clinic has been so successful the university is planning on continuing to offer virtual appointments even once the clinic is allowed back on campus.
During lockdown the clinic was also awarded the national LawWorks prize for Best New Pro Bono activity. This was a great honour and a testament to the hard work of Diana Kirsch and her team at the university, plus the commitment of the external supervisors, and of course the dedication of all the student volunteers.
If you would like to get involved with the clinic and assist as a supervisor, please contact Amanda Thurston, who is now Director of the Clinic.
The post Hertfordshire Law Clinic…….goes virtual appeared first on Hertfordshire Law Society Online Bulletin.