Fischer Future Heat becomes patron of Leicestershire Law Society

Fischer Future Heat becomes patron of Leicestershire Law Society

Fischer Future Heat, the Frog Island-based electric heating specialists has committed its support to the Leicestershire Law Society by announcing its patronage.

The company that manufactures and installs electric heating solutions to homes throughout the UK was founded by Keith and Maria Bastian and has enjoyed remarkable growth in a little under 10-years.

Maria Bastian said “We’re thrilled to become a patron of the Leicestershire Law Society and we hope to provide our support for many years to come”.

The Bastian’s launched their heating business from their home in 2011. Three years later, they decided to buy Fischer – the German heating manufacturer. Success has followed and Fischer Future Heat has now installed in excess of 250,000 smart electric heaters in homes throughout the UK and employs over 350 staff.

The company continues to grow and invest in renewable heating technologies. From electric boilers, solar panels and battery energy storage to innovative water heating and air-source heat pumps.

Fischer offers customers a wide range of products that are all designed for increased energy efficiency whilst reducing carbon emissions.

In 2016, the couple launched their own domestic energy supply company. Outfox the Market now supplies 100,000 UK homes with gas and 100% renewable UK wind electricity and has helped thousands of customers make significant savings on their energy costs.

Keith Bastian is unashamedly vocal about the need for change when it comes to energy and heating – He said; ‘It is vital that we move towards cleaner and sustainable heating solutions and stop burning fossil fuels. The road to net-zero carbon has begun and we all need to play our part’.

Despite their success, Keith and Maria are determined to achieve further growth for their businesses and have plans to expand and invest in their Leicestershire companies.

You can find out more about Fischer Future Heat via their website  – and Outfox the Market at

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