Deputy Vice-President of the Law Society

SPG Council Member is Deputy Vice-President of the Law Society

It is an honour and a privilege to have been elected Deputy Vice-President of the Law Society of England and Wales.  I took up my new role at the Law Society AGM on 14 October 2020 and it has been a whirlwind of activity since then!  This is the first time that a SPG Council Member has been an Office Holder at the Law Society and I hope it will not be the last!  All being well, I will become Vice-President in October 2021 and then President of the Law Society in October 2022.  I will be the first Asian President since the Law Society was set up in 1825 and only the 7th female President in its 125 year history.   

Deputy Vice-President of the Law Society
Deputy Vice-President of the Law Society : Lubna Shuja

There is much work to be done for members.  No firm or individual has been immune from the consequences of the pandemic.  It has been catastrophic for some.  This is a time when members need the Law Society the most.  The landscape of our profession will significantly change over the coming months.  Firms are already closing, merging or downsizing.  Redundancies have started.  Black and Minority Ethnic solicitors will be disproportionately impacted.  There will be an increase in new start-ups, freelancers and consultants.  I am keen to see the Law Society provide more value and support to members to address these changes and to help meet their aspirations.

Equality and diversity is very important to me.  I will work hard to highlight the challenges many of our members face and do whatever it takes to bring about change.  I want to see, and be part of, a profession that truly reflects who we are.

The dumbing down of our profession continues and we are being fired at from all angles “in the interests of consumers”.  There is talk of a single regulator for all providers of legal services whether they are regulated or not, and clients continue to be highjacked by online DIY services.

The Law Society plays a vital role, not only in being the voice of solicitors, but also in protecting the reputation of our profession.  I will be one of those voices who shout loudly and more forcefully about the value of using a trusted solicitor who will act in the best interests of their client.  I will also do what I can to inform members not only about what is happening now, but also on what is coming down the line.  I will help the Law Society to equip members with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle challenges head-on, confidently, knowing that their representative body has got their back. 

Lubna Shuja

I will continue to work tirelessly in the interests of members, making it my business to find out about issues affecting them.   My focus will continue to be to ensure that the “member” is at the heart of all the Law Society does.  I hope that you will support me in my new role and above all, I hope I do SPG proud.

Lubna Shuja

Deputy Vice-President of the Law Society

SPG Council Member

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