CYPG Spring 2021 Update

Charmaine Rolfe

The past year has been turbulent and uncertain and we hope that everyone is keeping safe and well. We remain positive that things are now on the up and that we will be able to see our members in the not too distant future!

CYPG Spring 2021 Update
Charmaine Rolfe :CYPG Spring 2021 Update

We have rolled over all of our 2020 memberships to 2021 so that all of our members from 2020 have automatically become a CYPG member this year. We will also be offering our half-year membership starting from 1 July 2021 for anyone looking to become a member this year.

We are in the process of putting together our events for the rest of the year and are keeping our fingers crossed that we will be permitted to hold some outdoor events in the mid-late summer.

In the meantime, we put a poll out to our members asking whether they would be interested in any virtual events and we are hoping to hold our first one in May – watch this space!

As we were unable to host our annual charity ball last year, we were able to postpone our booking and we are pleased to confirm that this is booked for 25th September 2021 at Queens College, Cambridge. We will be in touch with more updates closer to the time.

We have also rolled over our charity of the year so that the Cambridge Cancer Help Centre will be CYPG’s charity of the year for 2021.

Best wishes to all our members and we hope to see you soon!

The post CYPG Spring 2021 Update appeared first on LIGHT BLUE LAW.