Richard Feynman, the great theoretical physicist said, “If I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn’t have been worth the Nobel Prize.” My first reading of the Legal Sector Affinity Group Anti-Money Laundering Guidance for the Legal Sector 2021 (AMLG) published on 2 February 2021 by the Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS), made me want to start looking up Feynman’s development of quantum electrodynamics for light relief.

At over 200 pages[i], the guidance (now submitted for Treasury approval) undoubtedly increases the burden placed on practitioners following the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019. The guidance requires careful study and thought by all firms. All solicitors and firms will need to consider how the AMLG applies to them and make any necessary changes to their current processes and procedures. The areas to be considered include more detailed guidance/requirements in relation to policy controls and procedures including firm wide risk assessment and individual matter risk assessments, analysis of source of funds and separately source of wealth, training requirements, and understanding how AML technology operates to ensure it is used more effectively.
The AMLG is a response to the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019[ii] which came into force on 10 January 2020. Firms should be reminded that the Regulations expanded the definition of tax advice to include providing material aid, or assistance or advice on tax affairs of other persons including where provided through a third party. The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has provided guidance[iii] which is a good starting point for firms to consider if they are caught by these provisions and if they need to register with the SRA[iv] although the deadline for registration ended in January 2021 it would seem sensible to register late than not at all.
The SRA guidance makes it clear that there are circumstances where those practising for example, family, probate, employment, and personal injury will be engaged in transactions documentation and advice that comes within scope of these provisions. Despite the guidance, individual cases and some sets of circumstances will undoubtedly throw up difficult situations and the way forward may be unclear. This is especially the case where issues of client privilege may arise or protection for information acquired in the ordinary conduct of litigation by legal professionals[v]. For example, if a family or employment lawyer acquires information about a scheme that bears the hallmarks of tax evasion is this privileged for the purpose of the money laundering regulations? Chapter 13 of the AMLG is particularly helpful. Litigation privilege would include any step taken in litigation, from the issue of proceedings and the securing of injunctive relief or a freezing order up to its final disposal by judgment. Each incident must be considered carefully and the circumstances of how and when the solicitor acquired the information or belief will be crucial. If the situation arises it may be prudent for the solicitor to obtain Counsel’s opinion.
The SRA also published ‘Sectoral Risk Assessment – Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing’[vi] on 28 January 2021. The SRA draws on the National Risk Assessment 2020 (NRA) published in December 2020. This highlights latest trends and a fresh upturn of crime following Covid 19. It confirms that the conveyancing sector is still high risk. There is increased emphasis and resource focused on the threat posed by the corporate and trust sector. The SRA notes that the creation and operation of corporate structures, can be used to invest and transfer funds to disguise their origin and lend layers of legitimacy to their operations. There are planned reforms to Companies House and Limited Partnership structures to further mitigate against some of the identified risks and advance beneficial ownership transparency.
The SRA produce a risk assessment of law firms, to help firms to better understand the scale and types of risks they are exposed to. The SRA requires firms to consider the overall sectoral risk assessment as a part of each firm’s firm-wide risk assessment and reference here by firms to the NRA can be helpful.
The SRA investigate firms if they receive information about a firm, but they also carry out a, ‘proactive supervision programme’. When the SRA visits, they will ask to see firms’ written risk assessments and policies, procedures and controls. A firm’s risk assessment is to assist in the setting of appropriate policy and should not be disclosed to clients, or third parties, because it could be useful to those who are seeking to launder money. Having a risk assessment that reflects the reality of the matters handled by a firm is regarded by the SRA as an indication that suitable attention and thought has been given to the policies adopted by the firm. Firms should avoid any suggestion where templates and proformas have been copied that firms have not given thought and attention to the relevant issues.
The guidance sets out the risks a firm may face from the Covid 19 pandemic, the use of financial technology (such as fund transfer systems and crowdfunding platforms), the legal status of Cannabis and the wider economic pressures. SRA investigations have revealed that the most common weaknesses are inadequate checking of the source of funds, lack of independent audits, poor screening of staff and inadequate matter risk assessments. The SRA also observed that whilst larger firms have greater resources, the use of compliance teams to handle risk assessment may mean that fee-earners working on a case are less alert to signs that should trigger investigation as a matter progresses. The SRA noted that smaller firms can be less aware of the risks around Politically Exposed Persons. It was also concerned that there was too much reliance on external help with compliance by all types of firms. It expressed concern that policies may be drafted by external experts with little knowledge of the firm or there was little understanding of the technical support a firm used, thus risks were not properly understood or dealt with.
The SRA also listed the highest areas of risk for firms. It will not be a surprise that conveyancing (given that property is an asset preferred by criminals) or the use of a client account to legitimise the source of money or tax advice were considered high risk areas. However, creating or managing trusts and corporate structures and family law may not receive consideration as a potentially a high-risk area. The guidance also sets out information relating to transaction, client and delivery channel risks.
There will be increasing focus on AML and firms should take all the necessary steps to ensure they are complying, although in the current climate, this will be an unwelcome and costly exercise for all.
Transparency and comparison websites
In 2016, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its report into Legal Services.[vii]. It was made clear that there was a desire for there to be a new way in which ‘consumers’ found solicitors. It was noted with some dissatisfaction that the majority of clients had found their solicitor as a result of personal recommendation. The CMA ambition was to make consumers better informed about price and their choice of service provider (and by driving competition lower prices). The CMA recommendation was for all firms to publish information on price, service, redress and regulatory status and for the regulator to promote the provision of information on quality. It wanted this information to be available not just to consumers but also to digital comparison tools (DCTs) and other intermediaries. It made it clear that in its opinion the legal services market needed comparison websites.
The SRA responded by introducing the Transparency Rules in 2018. Price information had to be displayed in respect of conveyancing, probate, motoring offences, employment tribunals (claims for unfair or wrongful dismissal), immigration (excluding asylum), debt recovery (up to £100k) and licensing applications for business premises. Plans to extend into other areas such as family law were postponed.
The SRA considered compliance with these Rules a priority and assiduously inspected firms’ websites. It has now taken regulatory action where there has been non-compliance, fining and rebuking firms and even putting restrictions on firm’s authorisation. After initially observing poor levels of compliance[viii] it concluded that the majority of firms are now complying.[ix] This view contrasted with that of other commentators, such as DG Legal which conducted its own review[x] of websites and reported that the level of non-compliance in the web-sites it surveyed was at around 90%, although it agreed with the SRA that the majority of firms were now publishing some information. The SRA has stepped up its enforcement work and has extended this to working with consumer groups to encourage them to report non-compliance to the SRA.
However, the CMA desire for the usage of comparison web sites has not materialised. The SRA has encouraged the development of comparison websites, providing free data to any company interested in setting up such a scheme. Some years ago, the SRA promoted an entrepreneur at its annual conference. He was keen to develop his comparison website and could not understand why firms would not want to participate. Since then, various comparison websites have been set up but there appears to have been little engagement from the profession and no evidence of impact on the market.
Pressure has been exerted on the SRA, by the Legal services Board, the Legal Services Board Consumer Panel and the CMA itself which reviewed the effectiveness of its 2016 report[xi] and concluded that although there had been progress, further work was required to reinforce initiatives to develop DCTs.
In February 2021, the SRA took a step further with its announcement that comparison websites and quality indicators would be a new ‘hot topic’[xii] . It set out its plans to work with CILEx Regulation and the Council for Licensed Conveyancers. It will run two pilot schemes, one on conveyancing and the other on employment law. The pilot schemes will last for at least six months and the SRA are seeking firms to work with comparison websites to trial approaches. Amongst it aims are to increase law firm engagement with customer reviews and comparison websites and increase the number of consumers accessing online information, beginning with using and leaving online reviews.
In readiness, the SRA has provided advice on engaging with online reviews[xiii]. In the guidance, it sets out the business case for firms engaging with online reviews. It encourages solicitors to be ‘authentic’ and to engage positively with bad reviews, setting outs suggested responses and reminding solicitors of their regulatory duties not to breach client confidentiality in any such response.
Given the difficulties many firms are facing in the current climate, it is to be hoped that the regulators, temper their ambitions with a level of realism as to how much regulatory change the profession can cope with and indeed afford. It is hard not to question the CMA belief that consumer experience will be improved by its tactics to promote through proxies such as testimonials or price indicators -indeed the evidence so far is that the opposite has been the case with prices having risen over recent years and the number of firms carrying out conveyancing has reduced rather than increased!

Linda Lee
Council Member
Linda Lee has been Council Member for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland since 2003. She is a past President of the Law Society of England and Wales and is the Chair elect of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Committee and a member of the Policy and Regulatory Affairs Committee, Regulatory Processes Committee and Access to Justice Committee. She is current Chair of the Solicitors Assistance Scheme. Linda is an experienced litigation solicitor and is a Consultant at RadcliffesleBrasseur where she specialises in solicitors’ disciplinary, compliance and regulatory work. She can be contacted by email at:
[iv] see the deadline reminder at l
[v] Bowman v Fels [2005] EWCA Civ 226 see exemption from disclosure under s330(6) of Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. Where information came Failure to disclose: regulated sector
(1)A person commits an offence if each of the following three conditions is satisfied.
(2)The first condition is that he—
(a)knows or suspects, or
(b)has reasonable grounds for knowing or suspecting, that another person is engaged in money laundering.
(3)The second condition is that the information or other matter—
(a)on which his knowledge or suspicion is based, or
(b)which gives reasonable grounds for such knowledge or suspicion, came to him in the course of a business in the regulated sector.
(4)The third condition is that he does not make the required disclosure as soon as is practicable after the information or other matter comes to him.
(5)The required disclosure is a disclosure of the information or other matter—
(a)to a nominated officer or a person authorised for the purposes of this Part by the Director General of the National Criminal Intelligence Service;
(b)in the form and manner (if any) prescribed for the purposes of this subsection by order under section 339.
(6)But a person does not commit an offence under this section if—
(a)he has a reasonable excuse for not disclosing the information or other matter;
(b)he is a professional legal adviser and the information or other matter came to him in privileged circumstances;
(c)subsection (7) applies to him.
[vii] Legal services market study Final report December 2016
[viii] SRA Report May 2019
The post Anti-Money Laundering AML appeared first on Northamptonshire Law Society.