And Finally.. DEC 2020

And Finally.. DEC 2020
And Finally.. DEC 2020

Where do I begin in my summary of 2020? A year that saw unbelievable changes to all our working lives, our spare bedrooms and dining rooms becoming our offices and classrooms, our domestic lives with our children being home schooled, and the free flow of our every – day existence that we all took for granted halted almost overnight.

Our training courses went online, as did our Council meetings, we all became experts in Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google classrooms! In a bid to deliver a level of normality, we even managed to host the annual quiz in support of The Midland Legal support trust.

As we move into the New year, I would like to thank all of you that have taken the time and engaged and supported the Society over the last year – in these unsettled times, it is a time when we all need to come together and reach out to those who are struggling be it on a personal or professional level.

I am in conversation with several speakers to continue to deliver the members a variety of training options in 2021, keep a look out on the website, and in your in box for details. If there is a specific topic that you wish me to source, please do let me know; you can reach me at;

We are hopeful that we can hold our NLS awards dinner at some point in the year and look forward to having a face-to-face event where cannot only discard our current “lounge wear” uniform, but dust off the sequins to celebrate all that is good and great within the local Law fraternity.

Finally, a special note of thanks to the Council and Borneo Martell Turner Coulston for supporting me in my ongoing volunteering role at NGH.

Wishing you and all of yours a Happy healthy 2021

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