Yet another lockdown

Well although there is another lockdown we do have great news in the household. Both my hoomans have had their first vaccination. I can’t understand why they are so excited as I hate it when I go to the vet for my annual check up and jabs. My mother also got excited just by going to the dentist – why?

I like to help my mother with her work but I’m not sure that she thinks I am a great help.  She has moved where she works so she can shut the door and stay lovely and warm. When it reaches the right temperature I sneak in to join her.

My mother hasn’t been letting anyone in the house so I haven’t seen one of my favourite people for ages. I’m getting very fed up of not having any visitors. I did bring a live mouse in that I had hoped to keep as a pet but unfortunately it died in the under stairs cupboard without any help from me! I also wanted to keep a pet bird but my father wouldn’t let me!

The only good thing is that they are not going away at all so they can spend a lot of time with me. They do seem to have a lot of “teams” or “zoom” meetings.

Hopefully by my next article I will have something to report. Stay safe and have the vaccination if offered it.


The post Yet another lockdown appeared first on Hertfordshire Law Society Online Bulletin.