President’s Column – January 2021

Twenty Twenty-One : On New Year’s Eve, we were all delighted to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome in 2021. But will 2021 really be a better or easier year than last year? Only time will tell, but it seems likely that it will not be until spring (at the earliest) that life will return to a semblance of normality with the government’s vaccination programme hopefully achieving some level of herd immunity. Meantime, many thousands will inevitably die of the virus or suffer the chronic symptoms of “long Covid”. And the impact of the pandemic on the UK’s economy is likely to be very significant and have an adverse impact on all of us, our firms and our clients. This year, therefore, is not going to mark a return to pre-Covid normalcy, but instead the start of a phase (or phases) of the health and economic impacts of the pandemic.

President’s Column – January 2021
President’s Column – January 2021, Michael Frape

In these times of exceptional challenge and uncertainty, I believe that the need for and importance of belonging to and being part of a “community” is more important than ever. As John Donne once said: No man is an Island, entire of itself”. We at CLS are all about connecting and strengthening the legal community in Cambridgeshire and will in 2021 do our utmost to support all our members.

Our 150th Anniversary Year : Cambridgeshire Law Society was founded in 1871 and therefore 2022 will mark our 150th anniversary. As our “year” starts on 1st April, we will be treating the 12 month period starting on that date as our anniversary year.

To mark the significance of the year in our history we will be adopting a theme for the year, namely “the rule of law”. We hope to celebrate its importance to us as lawyers and to all the communities in Cambridgeshire by holding a series of events the 12 months period starting this April and culminating in our annual dinner, which will finally be held in spring 2022.

Legal Excellence Awards 2021 : A key part of our mission is to celebrate legal excellence in the county and therefore I am delighted to confirm that we will be holding our annual LEA on 23rd April 2021 via Zoom. After the success of last year’s event, I am sure this will be an evening not to be missed. You will find more details about the event and how to enter elsewhere in these pages.

The Website : Work on the new website with our consultants at Brainiac Media continues and we hope to launch the new website in early spring. The appointment of Brainiac followed a lengthy and detailed procurement process of which all on the Website Committee should be justly proud. After the disappointing outcomes of the last two website projects, we were determined to ensure that a rigorous process was followed to maximise the chances of achieving the best outcome reasonably practicable and within budget. I am pleased to say that we have achieved that outcome. Many thanks to Amanda Narkiewicz for suggesting Brainiac and also to Charlotte Vallins for taking on the role of Website Officer.

Committee News : I am delighted to confirm that we now have a full complement of 20 committee members. It is an outstanding and diligent team of people. A full list of the committee appears elsewhere in these pages.

Incorporation : CLS is currently an unincorporated association of its members. This is an unsatisfactory state of affairs for a whole host of reasons. We will therefore be proposing at the AGM that CLS become a company limited by guarantee.

AGM : The AGM will take place on 17th March via Zoom.

On behalf all of the committee I extend our warmest wishes to all our members.

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