Editorial by Editorial Daniel O’Keeffe

Editorial Daniel O'Keeffe
Daniel O’Keeffe

It has been an extraordinary 6 months for everyone and I have been very impressed with the resilience and the adaptability of the Leicester legal community.  Sadly we have not has the Annual LLS Awards Ceremony yet, due to the impact of Covid-19.  I look forward to showcasing the premier event in our year in a future edition.  However, we have had some fantastic events in 2020, as you will see in this edition.

A phenomenal amount of money was raised by the brave souls who embarked on the Zip Wire Challenge for Alex’s Wish (the President’s nominated charity).  In addition, we have some great photos of The Triumphs of Leicester event.  It is a timely reminder of what a fabulous city Leicester is and why there are so many reasons to be proud to live and work here.

Putting this edition of the magazine together has been a challenge, but I have to thank all the contributors for your time and effort, when your working and/or home life has been turned upside down.

As always, I am keen to hear from our readership with articles they want to write,  ideas for future features and any suggestions for making the magazine even better.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Daniel O’Keeffe,


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